
Rev Dr Margie Bryce

Your leadership coach
and self-care advocate


I know people who exude patience. They just ooze patience.  I’m not one of those. You?

Ep09: Hope and Worm Poo

The church is in transition! It’s truly crazy times.  What is God up to?  What “new thing” is God putting before us? Do you see it? (Isaiah 43:18-19)

Ep05: Who’s a Dim Bulb?

When ministry seems to not be percolating the way you think it should be, how well do you handle it? Where do you file such a thing? Here's a gritty and personal saga with a message for all of us. So… what gets you crabby? Email me at margie@margiebryce.com and your topic may be chosen […]

Ep07: Got power?

When ministry seems to not be percolating the way you think it should be, how well do you handle it? Where do you file such a thing? Here's a gritty and personal saga with a message for all of us. So… what gets you crabby? Email me at margie@margiebryce.com and your topic may be chosen […]

Ep04: Ministry Discouragement

When ministry seems to not be percolating the way you think it should be, how well do you handle it? Where do you file such a thing? Here's a gritty and personal saga with a message for all of us. So… what gets you crabby? Email me at margie@margiebryce.com and your topic may be chosen […]

Ep03: Get your heart in the game

Are you a dim bulb?? Or a bright light? So… what gets you crabby? Email me at margie@margiebryce.com and your topic may be chosen for one of the podcasts… you may remain anonymous, or not… your choice. For weekly encouragement join our sustainability community on Facebook.  Reminder: I'm a coach, instructor, and former ministry leader […]

Ep0: Is there such a thing as a Crabby Pastor?

If we chuck you out in the deep water… can you swim?? This is what some in ministry experience. Not much compassion in that, especially if the person chucked dropped in the vast ocean cannot swim or gets fatigued from treading water too long. This is the backstory of this podcast. So… what gets you […]

Ep01: Crabby on the inside, serene on the outside… oh, yeah!

I was trained in the art of "non-anxious" presence. And that is a helpful tool for leaders.  Can non-anxious presence be taken too far?? So… what gets you crabby? Email me at margie@margiebryce.com and your topic may be chosen for one of the podcasts… you may remain anonymous, or not… your choice. For weekly encouragement […]