Margie Bryce

Your wellbeing coach
helping you prevent burnout

Your WELLBEING coach
focused on burnout prevention

Are you headed toward burnout, or maybe you’re wondering if you need some burnout prevention?

Discover how your current situation impacts YOU (and everyone around you).
It's a quick and easy way to know whether you are on the path to burnout.

Are you experiencing burnout symptoms?

Are you chronically tired and overwhelmed?

Are you serving people and feeling so drained
that you are at risk for burnout?

Does serving people feel harder than you thought it would be?

Does guilt and shame rise up within in you to even think of some of these things and...
you don’t have a safe place to vent or explore options and solutions?


  • Learn how pace and load impacts your life: why the fatigue won’t go away.
  • Developing self-care into your life is easier than you think. 
  • Know what self-care is and isn’t… this may surprise you.
  • See yourself as a much-beloved child of God, valuable and worthy of time and effort. 
  • Value self-care because you place a high value on your relationships with others. 
  • Understand how the culture seeks to steal time from you and what to do about that.
  • Recognize that letting self-care slide means opening the door to burnout. 
  • Develop the tools that will support self-care in your current season of life. 

“Dr. Margie Bryce has been coaching me for more than three years. I knew I needed some coaching, but I was hesitant because I was not sure exactly how it would help. She helped me process why I felt like I was “stuck” and find ways to move forward by taking action.

Margie was great at asking, not telling, and leading me to discover new solutions to old problems. I highly
recommend you schedule a consult and your first coaching session. Give yourself the gift of action.”

Rev. JoAnn, church planter

Self-Care IS NOT Selfish

Understanding what self-care is and how valuable it is yields some terrific benefits including peace. 
If you don’t practice self-care, you’re at risk. Risk of impacting relationships around you and risk of leaving your much-loved vocation early due to burnout. 
Self-care is a lifestyle to be lived into and you’ll learn how to knit self-care into your life in a realistic way for whatever season of life you are in.

Get a FREE Burnout Questionnaire to discover how your current situation is impacting YOU (and everyone around you).
It's a quick and easy way to know whether you are on the path to burnout.

Join the Sustainability in Ministry Movement

Discover the value of continually pursuing self-care as a critical ingredient for your life and ministry.

I will walk you through the key ingredients in self-care to provide a shift in perspective that will serve you throughout your ministry.
Together we will examine self-care as a way of BEING, as opposed to yet ANOTHER thing to add to your already-busy calendar. 
We will dive deep into how self-care is a lifestyle to be cultivated intentionally so you can avoid “crash and burn” ministry  
Through group conversation with others you will uncover ways to bring self-care into your life in a way that fits the season of your life NOW and prepares you for the next chapter in your life and ministry. 
Together we will discover how the culture works to steal TIME – the one thing we cannot make more of – so you can decide the best way to spend your limited time and energy.
"Through Margie's coaching, I am better equipped to reframe and break down larger challenges into smaller, more manageable goals. As a result, I find my approach to ministry experiencing renewed energy and focus."
Andy L.

Why Work With me ?

I was charged with merging 4.5 congregations into a single group. This was my caregiving task: to lead them to become one while we worshipped in a school until we found and renovated our new space. This involved: weekly usual obligations as well as oversight of a construction project AND a capital campaign AND… I set aside self-care, seeing it as just one more thing on my to-do-list… and I saw it as having little value. WRONG.  I’ve learned a lot since then about self-care and sharing with you is the work I’m passionate about now. 

I hold a doctorate in Leadership (from Ashland Theological Seminary), and the first line of leadership is being able to lead YOURSELF well.



Do you frequently feel like you’re playing a never-ending game of whack-a-mole?
You do your best to keep up, and at the same time feel like it’s not enough. Your list of worries compounds and you’re challenged to be everything you need to be. 
It’s exhausting.

Is this you?

It doesn’t have to be that way. 
Is it time to consider new ways of doing life?

Join the Sustainability Movement

I serve caregivers of all types who are tired of being tired and want to live into their vocation in a renewed way.


  • 6 Intimate & Private Monthly Group Learning and Coaching Sessions to help you discover new ways of doing life. 
  • These are Zoom Sessions in a guilt-free & judgmental-free environment
  • Group size limited to 6 – 8 for for enhanced connection and collaboration


One-on-One Coaching

Individual coaching can help you discover new ways of doing life so your effectiveness at work and at home are enhanced.

Self-care is always a part of the process, however, individual coaching is tailored to your specific needs.  

I met Margie a few months into the pandemic. They were challenging times for us all. She perceived the need for clergy to support one another in new ways and established a weekly Zoom support group and I also did some coaching with her.
She was caring and insightful and a great help. Thanks Margie!
JoAnne C.
"Margie's guidance through the pandemic was invaluable to me. We met once a week for several months and her wisdom and calm demanor have helped me thorugh some of the most difficult months of my 20 years in ministry.
The light of Christ burns brightly and I would strongly recommend her services to anyone who needs a ministry coach."
Theresa C.